Friday, May 14, 2010

Well that was fun!!

Here’s the catch up.

Remember when I previously said that Liz was being looked after at Santorini Hospital? I lied. It is easily the worst experience we’ve ever had - yes even worse than “that one!” Third world country hospitals would be as bad. The team who put the stitches in were good but after that it was downhill all the way. The first nurse who put the drips in was young but reasonably nice…. Unfortunately that doesn’t hold it when the drip made a bit of a mess of mum’s arm… so she tried another place…. Hour later just as bad and out it came again with more blood.
Got a different nurse the next time and this was the nurse from hell. She has to be the most disgusting individual I’ve ever met (even worse than rugby league players). She put a third drip into Liz’s hand this time and obviously wasn’t happy about it. An hour later it came out so off I went to find her. Had to interrupt her nattering to one of the paramedics and she shouted at me and waved her hands about obviously angry. Going into the room and seeing blood all over the covers from her drip she literally ripped the elastoplast off mum’s hand, screwed it up into a ball and threw it onto the ground. She then disconnected the bottle and stormed off. She spent the rest of the 6 hours we were there outside smoking and chatting up the male paramedics. I really really hope she dies of a horrible painful disease. All in all we were in the hospital from 10.00pm until 3.00 the following afternoon: obviously with little sleep.
Managed to get a flight to Athens and got to an excellent private hospital where the staff were great. I still don’t believe the speed the taxi driver went along the motorway from the airport: he got past 180km an hour (I kid you not) and was waving his arms about talking away to us and showing the sights of Athens…..Mum got a CT scan eventually and we found out about 10.00pm that she didn’t have a fractured skull. Waited another hour for the opthamologist who gave the all clear for her sight and we were in the Plaka Hotel by 11.00pm.
This morning she looks heaps better although along with the 14 stitches she has a closed left eye with the other one started to go. She’ll be saving on make-up over the next couple of weeks.
Today we did nothing but sleep and we are going up to the roof terrace of the hotel later on. We’ve decided to stay in Athens for the next day as Mum is still obviously a bit weak. It may not be in the Plaka Hotel as they are fully booked but they have a sister hotel called Hotel Hermes which we’re booked into. The room we have in the Hotel Plaka is brilliant and we have a view directly up the Acropolis to the Parthenon.
Here's a picture of us in Oia around half an hour before the accident when we didn't have a care in the world.

Here’s a picture of Mum enjoying her not being able to see me.
I promise you that you don't want to see the photo's taken in the hospital immediately afterwards. Stuff from a horror fillum.

Thanks for all the phone calls and best wishes: your 236 phone calls in 3 hours Suzanne have to be a record. Mum is still talking about the talk with Owen and Jakey “better grandma” multiplied by forty-one times
The Australian SOS people (Insurance and medical) have been brilliant and have phoned at least half a dozen times. Mum has talked to an Australian doctor who was very concerned and gave some good advice.
I know you’d all be a bit concerned that your old Dad is slightly deaf (hah hah) and unable to look after Mum but I’ve managed to muddle through and order food and wine without problems. Mum has been quite amazing and I take back all the things I said about her being a complaining old git. She didn’t cry once and I will never again complain about her low pain threshold or hypochondria (well not a lot anyway).
All fine now so you can stop worrying.

Just back from a meal where I chatted up a female in a burkha. Mum can't see so all was well because she thought I was chatting up her mother.

All future epistles will be cheery happy ones.


  1. Hi Liz and Iain,
    Yes, all cheery from now. What a Greek experience! Thanks for the catch up - have been concerned and wondering.
    Take care of yourselves - remember your age!!!!! Lots of love, Jenny. XXXX

  2. oh Mum, you poor thing. Please try to be careful over the next 7 weeks. Sounds like Dad is looking after you very well and hopefully your getting some rest before your next flight. xx

  3. liz and iain sorry to hear about your accident glad to hear you're feeling better have a great time the rest of your trip Gail Bob xxx
