Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Tortoise and The Hare

This morning in Dijon after a breakfast of Croque Monsieur (cheese toast with ham and mustard to you heathens), as against Croque Madame which includes eggs and possibly saussice (I think it's french for sausage but it could be octopus, snails or ruddy squid) for some reason (does this mean that French think that women eat more than men? There is your anthropological question for the day folks.)

After breakfast we decided to split up. Liz likes going slowly and looking at shops whilst I prefer charging about to see museums and art galleries and pubs and archaeological sites and pubs and divers other things like pubs so I can get in as much culture in as possible.

We re-engaged after about 4 hours and I immediately started whinging about how most of the museums were closed. How I'd managed to find a botanical gardens... closed... three museums... closed... saw a couple of weddings, charged down to the della Republique to see the museum... not really closed but the tour was up a 45 metre tower so it might as well have been closed because, as far as I'm concerned (anything above two metres above ground level is.... closed). I probably walked about 10km and saw buggerall apart from closed buildings and Notre Dam where I was charged 2 euro's to get in by a beggar. This particular beggar turned up 100 metres away at a wc where he was also charging 1 euro to get into the WC..... I have a feeling that either I was screwed or he had a twin brother working the bogs.

Liz on the other hand walked about 300 metres: saw lots of shops, two major museums, was bought lunch by a rich Frenchman, posted three postcards, booked the TGV tickets to Paris and was back in the hotel with a big grin on her face while I was collapsed on the bed completely knackered.

I had the camera because I thought I'd be the one to get the interesting pictures.

Here's an interesting picture of us paying 37 euro's (about 70 dollars) to get our clothes washed and ironed and hung up on wire coathangers (including socks, underpants, bras and pyjamas).

Tomorrow I'm going to sit and sulk and not speak to anyone unless they talk about deja vu.

Nearly forgot: Ian and I are going to talk about size and comparative sizes!

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