Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Paris day two

It's just great to have Charles and Josien back to show us all the sights we wouldn't normally see! We met up with them around 11.00am and had a small libation round the corner from the hotel in Place de la Sorbonne. Charles decided a kitty was a good idea and should last for a while so we all put in 25 euros which gave us a nifty little 75 euros. First round was 25 euros.

Rodin Museum would be a good place to start off our cultural round said Charles and we can take it from there for the other sights. The usual map rustling and committee meetings, stops, starts, more map rustling, couple of discussions about the paternity (or lack of) of parents and formal interjections coming from Beatrice and around an hour later we got to the Rodin Museum where we saw a big statue of The Thinker.... in the window.... beside the sign in nice big happy letters Musee Ferme sur Lundi.

When we finally managed to find the Seine another hour later Beatrice's idea of getting a "bloody BatoBus from now on" was met with wholehearted approval.. So we did.... and saw the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame and other divers buildings from the comfort of a Batobus. A stop for another wee boisson was called for. "43 Euros for three beers, two wines and a glass of water?" Not one of us had noticed that the bistro was literally round the corner from Notre Dam... damn!

Ended up with an hilarious evening with the six of us scoffing pizzas in the Place de la Sorbonne. Did you know that there are lots of different ways to eat pizza. Some are normal like me and eat them with their fingers; some cut triangles with knives and forks: Liz and Josien. Some eat the outside first and leave the good stuff for last: Ian. Beatrice has an interesting way of just mucking it all around, digging holes in places and generally looking as if she's eating but just making a ruddy mess of it. The most ridiculous way of eating pizza I've ever seen was left to Charles where he cuts off the outside bits and leaves them on the side of the plate (because he calls them crusts) and just eats the middle section. Charles ole chap.... it's ALL crusts mate.

I just bought a new hat and concensus says I look like a prat.

So what's new eh?

Liz and I will be left on our lonesome again for the next two days.

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