Sunday, May 16, 2010

Better and Better

Yesterday was a bust because I was in agony with a sore big toe! Had to change hotels because they thought that Mum/Liz was probably a hooligan with the two black eyes and gammy leg..

I’d carefully checked the best places to go for a meal in Greece. Downloaded all sorts of crap and printed it out. …GO TO THE VYZANTINO RESTAURANT said the recommendation. We sauntered up the Adrianou anjd came to the recommended street. Mum can’t see very well for some reason so it was up to me. “Canny see the Vyzantino but it says it’s opposite a place which sells the Glasgow Herald so this must be the place. We stayed and had a meal...not bad, not brilliant and the meatballs were a bit crappy. Left a tip of 2 euros which is around 3 dollars….. Walked along the road about 100 metres which said VYZANTINO RESTAURANT in big letters which even Stephanie couldn’t ignore.

We’re going there tonight as long as I can work out the direction from that expensive Fur place which mum hates.

Because of mum’s injuries and weakness we didn’t actually expect to go to the Acropolis (hill) or the Parthenon because divers people said it was hard work with lots of steps.

You would not believe the people we've met who said it was really tough and you have to be really fit to get there (most of them have only 2 stitches: what a lot of pathetic wimps).

What a load of crap. We did it in about 20 minutes from bottom to top. Liz/mum now thinks she’s as fit as Danny and is now preparing for a tilt at Everest. Remember the comeback you did at the Queensland Nationals Danny? Mum beat you hands down! She walked up the Acropolis 5 days after being attacked by Santorini goblins.

The big question is:

HOW COME WE WERE ONLY GOING TO STAY FOR ONE NIGHT IN ATHENS (because everyone said it was crap) AND HAVE ENDED UP STAYING FOR 6 NIGHTS? It’s actually a good city as long as you stay in “The Plaka” and spend lots of dosh buying genuine Athenian shields.
Off for another meal and hopefully we’ll get to the restaurant rather than another museum! I'm looking for a T-shirt which was recommended to me. It had something to do with Oedipus but was all in Greek.....( those who have been to Greece will have no problems with that).

Another meals beckons.

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