Friday, June 4, 2010

Glasgow 3rd June

So where were we?

Oh yes: kicked out of the hotel. We found another good one called Ramada something or other. Right across from the Scot Monument on Princes Street. Both a bit under the weather due to weather but after me buying a refined 9 quid jacket with SCOTLAND SCOTLAND SCOTLAND SCOTLAND plastered all over it I am now as warm as toast and ready to take on the world again (well all the 7 stone poofs in Rose Street anyway).

I walked up to Calton Hill, down to Holyrood palace (closed of course), staggeredup to the top of Arthur's Seat (until I crapped out 50 yards from it anyway: photos to prove it) charged around the new Scottish Parliament and then hobbled back up the Royal Mile to the hotel four hours later completely crippled.

I don't care what you think. That's the hill I staggered up. Right up to the top.... well nearly...

Liz/Mum had a bath and laughed like a drain when I returned.

Out for a slap up meal in a classy restaurant in George Street. Chicken something or other for me and Aged beef with extra things for about 10 quid an extra. Mine was terrific but unfortunately I had to eat it by myself as Liz's wasn't cooked proper and arrived an hour later.

I laughed like a drain when that happened.

We did get the 22 pound 50 for her meal deducted so we only had to pay 78 pounds for my chicken... ok I had a beer as well: so what?

Arriving in Glasgow a bit pensive but the temperature was a quite ridiculous 28 degrees. On the way from the bus to our hotel we passed the Care Home where Dad and Mum are now. Dad was sunbathing out the front. Instant recognition of course and after a while I got quite used to being referred to as Jesus while Liz was known as Froggiehead.

Why is it that we keep getting told that my parents are in a bad way? When we visit them we always discover that they're nothing like it? Grandpa has all his faculties and was making jokes about his bad memory. Grandma is a bit out of it but after the 30th time of being asked where our car was it was no trouble to tell her that it had been smashed up by her husband in the last accident. Grandma held a conversation just as well has her eldest son which considering we're both half deaf is no small feat.

10 past 10 at night and it's still broad daylight. God I'd like to show this to the morons in Queensland who vote against daylight saving. The curtains do fade though and I've noticed quite a few cows with sun tans.

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