Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Hah hah: well we're in Bandol and have been for the past 3 days.

Rubbish internet and the place we're staying doesn't even seem to have computers.

Terrific fun getting out of Edinburgh. Found Ryanair which advertised fares to Bologna at 60 euros. THAT WILL DO US. Booked online and that 60 turned into 127 each: ok no worries mite. Turned up at the airport and we were told that even although our names were on the computer we needed an actual printed copy of our booking. Unfortunately being tourists we stupidly hadn't taken our 10 kilo Canon printer with us. Ultimate cost is that we had to pay an extra 40 pounds each on top of our initial payment.... ie it cost us 640 Australian dollars to get from Edinburgh to Italy. DO NOT EVER EVER EVER USE RYNAIR.

Hah hah hah hah hah. Beat that anywhere in the world. Alison and Brendon eat your heart out. I swam while Liz went to the shops. I then spent the next 48 hours pouring Savlon on all the wounds caused by the rocks while Mum went to the shops. I kicked cats: Mum stroked the disgusting things. Mum bought presents for the anklebiters: I bought bottles of Cinque Terre wines, whisky, and divers things to dull the pain of the wounds caused by swimming.

and Bologna in Italy to Bandol in France? Easy Peasy; as long as you have approximately 16 hours to spare; low blood pressure and have no problems with not eating.

BANDOL IS BRILLIANT and hasn't changed much. The hotel I managed to find is bang on at the Renecros Plage. It has a fabulous view of the bay and a rubbish room with a view to die for.

Stay tuned

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