This pictue is in Vancouver. It appears that Ian and Beatrice wanted to show us the Roger Bannister statue. We never actually found him but the totem poles in the background were all oddly enough called Roger Bannister.
We are all up here with Beatrice, Ian, Mum and me.
Took just over 2 hours and Ian didn't crash once. Did I tell you about the bears?

They are all down in the Fairmont Whistler Pub while I'm doing the hard work writing this blog. Actually I left them there an hour ago because I was stuffed after today's fun. Oddly enough the adrenalin is still going which is why I'm not asleep.
We've had a funny time in Canada because the ski season has just ended and the summer season hasn't started so most places are closed. I wanted to try skiing again and after my last disastrous attempt 35 years ago wanted the practice slopes. They're all closed because the snow is melting.

While Mum and Beatrice and Ian all went shopping I found an adventure. Canoe 9km then bike back. What a fabulous time. It was advertised as intermediate and is probably easy peasy for buggers like Eric and Danny. The canoe was reasonably stable, ie I wobbled a bit going over the choppy lake but I'm rubbish at balancing. We went through rapids, small waterfalls (2 metres high but so what), ducked under low lying trees and chased two ducks who decided to be our guides.
Two hours for 9km? Doesn't seem much but some of them we were going about 14k an hour (verified by the guide).
Tonight Mum and I went into Whistler Village where we had the most disgusting Fondue ever. Sat at the Amsterdam Bar and people watched until the waitress asked us "how was your meal?" Revolting said Liz. She took it away and came back and said "the Chef tasted it". "Yes?" said Mum; "Chef said it was utterly disgusting and he was taking it off the menu forthwith". Later... Mum had foccacio and I had salad.
These are the weird folk you tend to meet in Whistler.
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