Tuesday, April 26, 2011

San Francisco the 3rd

Can't remember where i left off but I think it was Yosemite.

Picked up at 6.15am from the Nikko for a 7.15am start from Fishermen's Wharf. As usual there was the "One" who turned up 10 minutes late. I glared at her but she was too busy drinking coffee.... all Americans drink coffee..... everywhere.

We were first in line this time and got the best seats which are the ones right at the front. The driver was a laconic chappy from Noo Jersey who made many cryptic comments about the previous day's driver. He only talked when necessary and had some good stories.

It's all very touristy of course with paths, restaurants, signposts etc. etc. so of course no self respecting bear would go anywhere near these places. I decided to go in the opposite direction to the recommended one. It was brilliant. I climbed up through rocks and forest and found heaps of caves where there should have been a bear. I actually sat for about half an hour without making a sound in the hope that a bear would pop up singing about the last time he did a number 2 in the woods and no-one was there...... sigh.

Back at 9.30pm and decided not to go out on the town so went to bed early.

tomorrow we're off to Alcatraz so have a lie in until 11.00am.


  1. Wow - mum said you are in New Orleans - gosh you are being adventurous now! I hope you are staying out of all those tornados in the States! Sounds like you are still having a great trip. We have had a busy Easter break and i'm looking forward to my birthday weekend - i'm trying to convince Brendon he doesn't have to train so I can have a lie in or two! xox

  2. Hi Mum & Dad, How was Alcatraz? I bet your getting excited about flying out to Memphis tomorrow Mum? I'm going to take bets that you cry seeing Elvis's house :-). Keep the posts coming, we're all enjoying reading them and seeing the photos. take care xx

  3. Just making sure you are out of harms way - we have heard about the Tornados hitting the states and hope it's not causing you any problems - are they close by - has the weather been ok??? Try to let us know if you can - a text would be good as Suz said you were heading to Memphis tommorrow??? Ali xox
